Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Chicago Crime and the State of Law Enforcement (2017)

Answer the following questions to better understand the dashboard above.
  1. Within each shaded blue region on the map, what variable remains constant? Or rather, what do the colors represent?
  2. Explore the map; what do the different shades of gray represent?
  3. For all districts, which crime comprised the largest proportion of total crime reported in 2017?
    • Hint: Look at the bottom visualization.
  4. For all districts, which crime increased the most from 2016 to 2017?
    • Hint: Look at the Percent Change visualizations on the right.
  5. What is the general trend for all reported crimes over time?
    • Hint: Look at the Crimes and Arrests over time on the left.
  6. Change the district parameter from the drop down menu. What changes occur in the visualizations below? What about for the crime parameter?
  7. What general trends do you see with respect to different crimes and median household income when changing various parameters? In which districts are the most crimes seemingly reported?